Friday, October 1

Manifest Destiny

America is a vast country spanning thousands of square miles of land that is tremendously diverse climate and landscape. From high and majestic mountains, vast deserts, vast fertile plains that seems to go on forever the size of the physical landscape is breath taking.

Obviously this is not always the case.When these first settlers landed on the East Coast and carved out their sharp settlements, they had no idea the vast expanse of land that lies in the West he took bold explorations of Surveyors and Lewis and Clark report back how amazing an enormous amount of physical space that was available to American live.

Firstly, the idea was to become the nation's first realize that seemed impossible.They came here to escape persecution, tyranny, or make a new home for their family if they could have looked a few hundred years down the line in the future and saw the powerhouse nation which would rise from their work in those early years, they were shocked that this country has such a world power. Since the earliest issues of the settlers and the early leaders of youth of America was to understand the possibilities of what they were about to set about to make.

But take this sphere, they did. It seemed the physical grandeur that was supposed to be people of American-inspired concept that has been just great as the earth herself, and it is the concept of manifest destiny.Manifest destiny was the forces that drove these settlers and researchers to drive their car through pixel terrain in adverse weather conditions and facing many threats from animals and native Americans as a nation that spanned form the Atlantic to the Pacific.

It was a dream of early settlers in this country.They just don't see the new nation, but a single value, almost Sacred calling to become a virtual utopia of democracy and the opportunities and some of this utopian vision had the idea of a nation that spanned Ocean to ocean and from Mexico, and the Canadian border.

When you think about it, is phenomenal, that people who don't have the space photos landscape or high speed travel, as is common today to get an idea of a unified nation this enormous size and scope.But he was more than just physical size that spoke to the heart and soul of early Americans.Manifest destiny talked with the vision of greatness in America that was birthed in the hearts of even these early citizens.

The size of the country should be a reflection of the greatness of the human spirit and the splendour of the American experiment in building a nation built on freedom of the will of the people and democracy and opportunity.Today notions appear normal and we can thank the founders of this country for catching this dream together and make it a reality.

Many have criticized the manifest destiny of greed or empire building and of course, mistakes were made and many people died or were their individual fates hurt in wholesale peak in the West of America, in its early decades. but what is not diminishing sense of challenge and this feeling that America was here put something great. the challenge still lives in the hearts of all Americans to true, as we'll find out how we can help our country meet its manifest destiny be voice of freedom in the world; let us hope that the Americans will never lose your sense of calling and destiny. because if dies away something sacred and beautiful to die with him.

READ MORE - Manifest Destiny

Abraham Lincoln

We like to think that all of our u.s. Presidents have been really great people and of course, just handle a tremendous responsibility as special becomes selected. One of the unique and great things about management system in America is the concept of leadership. This idea of ordinary citizens grows and becomes President for a while and then returned to private life.

But of the few men who have held this post a few have stood for their great achievements and leadership in a time that forever changed the country. And one of the truly great Presidents Abraham Lincoln.Perhaps more than any other President Lincoln was to handle internal civil war, which was much more than a shout and name calling. it was a dispute which has torn the country in half and run the break, which could lead to dozens of small weak independent States instead of a powerful nation, we know how USA today.

It was Lincoln's leadership, its commitment to the values and his strong moral fibre, which made it possible for America to find their way through the war and then begin the process of healing, which eventually will lead the nation back to unity again. Lincoln's life since 1860 until his death is a serious problem. If it's just a problem fighting attempt at a southern part of the success of the Union and its ability to store these States as part of the American national territory, it would be lauded as the great American indeed.

One of the little-known leadership styles, Lincoln's use in the Organization of his post was appointed talented national indicators of political opposition is part of his Cabinet. Lincoln believed that it needs to have a close adviser of opposing to keep from having to Hisayuki isolated from the American people and one sided. Collecting the "loyal opposition" in his trusted inner circle, Lincoln has always been known on both sides of every issue that made him stronger leader.

But it's not even his greatest accomplishment or what we remember him most. Bold and unchanging against slavery was undoubtedly his greatest contribution to the history of America, and indeed the world's history as well.When he was ready to put everything on the line to stop the barbaric social sin, Lincoln made to resist conventional wisdom, that he would bring an end to slavery in the picture.

Not stand that came without spending. the civil war was one of the deadliest and costliest in history, if for no other reason than all victims; on the both sides suffered from America.It will take many decades of devastating consequences of this terrible war.The split between the North and South continued for decades and continues to be a part of our national identity.

But eventually the Lincoln would be his legacy. issuing a declaration of emancipation to make permanent end of slavery, Lincoln after, 13, 14 and 15, which is the freedom that had been hard fought and won the civil war.

The freedom that won for so many black Americans in the military are constantly protected memory Abraham Lincoln as one of our greatest Presidents in the hearts and minds of all Americans not surprisingly monument in honor of him on the National Mall in Washington, d.c. is one of the most venerated spots in the country and that every year, thousands flock to give respect this great President that made the freedom and independence of a reality for all Americans, not just a few: his face on Mount Rushmore is well deserved so very gory, shouts and this is one of the greatest leaders in history of this great country.

READ MORE - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, September 30

When all changes

American history, or indeed history not always marked events, stunning personalities or wonderful performances. Much of the history of a great nation, slow steady improvement, set back, and then, as people recover from the back. But in the context of American history there are a number of truly phenomenal times when everything has changed. It's not just a one day event, although some of them that all of a sudden. But these events after they showed Americans thought themselves, the world and their place in the world quite differently. And it is worth noting that these events were and how they changed the Americans.

It is obvious that a revolution in itself and has a small group of colonies, who regarded themselves as British far from home.When independence of America was made that the vision itself was completely different: we are proud of the new nation, a new type of citizenship, which has their own opinion about the world and their hopes and dreams as well.

The second world war it was kind of events that once we have a huge court fight and win the war on human needs, we can never see myself going back again in the same way as we thought that before the war.Our victory against Japan, Germany and its allies gave us great confidence that we could have an impact on the history of the world for the better but it also gave us a great sense of responsibility. When we threw the bomb in Japan, everyone on the planet began to understand the horrible food, which is now in the hands of mankind, the season in the hands of America and great responsibility for the destiny of mankind, who came up with this kind of power.

Pearl Harbor, whereas, as part of a world war deserves its own mention due to fundamental changes in how America finds itself in the world.Before this attack, America feel invulnerable as a teenager, I thought they would never hurt we never had an attack on our homeland. But Japan proved that not only can they attack us, but they may damage us very badly. Yes, we have responded with a fury, but we know that we, like everything else in the world are vulnerable, and we had to start behaving differently in a world full of friends and enemies.

Outside world war famous I have a dream speech of Dr. Martin Luther King in March in Washington, d.c., August 28, 1963, is simply changed black forever. Yes, mighty impact speech about how African-American community saw their future and inspiration and hope for the struggle of the civil rights movement, which made him to victory.But it also affects all Americans, because we started to see ourselves as a community in many cultures, many races and many destinations.It was the beginning of recognition in there but that it is a process that is far from over.

In modern times of attack on THE WORLD TRADE CENTER on September 11, 2001 was a dramatic impact on the hearts and minds of America, and indeed the world so far, we explore how this effect will finally show themselves as ripple shock, fear, anxiety and repression continue. But of course, as with Pearl Harbor, the effect on our feelings about our place in the world and were certainly forever changed.

READ MORE - When all changes

Standing down Hitler

If you were to ask someone in this country, what America "Star hour", you can find many different answers. For most of us, we think of a handful of incidents where the essence of what it means to be American goes ahead. And someone might hear the answer "Star hour America is still to come," and this may be true. No one can say that right now.

But from the point of view of American history, without a doubt, when America associated with its allies and stood down dreadful threat of Adolf Hitler Germany creates during World War I to represent the best show of strength, determination, and honor the nation's history.This is because, in these difficult years, America has just used its considerable resources to save Americans and American interests. This is no exaggeration that by standing down Hitler America save the world.

The second world war was without a doubt the most devastating war in human history. around the world from this conflict deaths have reached more than sixty million. Aggression axis powers seemed to know that America, England, France and other allied powers, found in a well armed and ruthless enemy, and deprive them of world domination, they don't cost any restrictions, which only makes more drastic brave.

Just look back at how the greatest generation, they are often called, find will resolve to that stop Hitler's armies. but we forget that at that time did not know if the allies were going to the top. At the beginning of the war, Hitler was stopped as he occupied Poland and the invasion of Europe spread in England, France, Norway and Germany more and more used to distribute war in Africa, in Russia and throughout Asia, as well. At that time was full of the Allied forces and ready to strike back, Hitler's achievements have been so deeply and proliferation of wars, far-reaching, sometimes it seemed impossible to turn this evil tide of military hostilities, threatened to spread across the globe.

As is often the case, it was when America entered the war, the Allies began to see hope to stop the horror that Hitler was trying to do. It took, the explosion of Pearl Harbor to put American population to prevent the isolation of the Americas does not mean that they would avoid the proliferation of war home if something was done. Attacking American ships in the harbor in Hawaii 7 December 1941 Japan brought the most powerful military machines in the world at war against the axis powers, who ultimately are doom to Hitler and his allies.

America fought on many fronts of the second world war is filled with dozens of stories of courage and strategic brilliance that finally started to turn the war in favor of allies.It took bold decisions at a very high level commands to make that decision on the use of the most destructive weapons man ever known strike Japan and acceleration.As a result of reduced nuclear weapons in Japan was horrible, but the President of America knew that by putting an end to the conflict, will be retained by the tens of thousands of American life ... just what was justified.But that's just attack brought Hitler to its knees. Queue fortunes began the day June 5, 1944. This is a massive attack on the beaches of Normandy France German human rights activists caught. Nevertheless, the cost of living was huge as American and allied forces, the massive invasion begin to bear down Nazi war machine.

Only we can look back with gratitude the brave men and women who fought to keep America and the world free of Hitler's plans for world domination and stop it, we can say it was a moment of glory of America.

READ MORE - Standing down Hitler

Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes, when just getting organized country, its citizens are uneducated, contact, or entity. But exactly opposite was true, as the great American experiment began to emerge. The world sees America, provinces or simply because much of the work of people a lot of what many call "the first American". The man was Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin, stands out among those we would call the "founding fathers", because he was a military man or a politician.He was one of the few, we think of one of the fathers of our nation who never served as President, but that doesn't mean that its contribution to the beginning of this great country are not profound and far-reaching.

Easy Benjamin Franklin that was known at the time as "man of the Renaissance" he was truly proficient in many areas of discipline, and he had a mind that was fascinated with all areas of research and knowledge. As such, it has been in discussions with his colleagues of the founding fathers of knowledge of political theory, understanding of the history and opportunities to speculate on the perfect Union, which is critical for laying the conceptual basis of America will when she blossomed into a reality.

For many we remember Benjamin Franklin as great scientist and inventor.And qualifications of all school boy or girl has the image of his flying, kite up for grabs for checking his theory that is so popular in our mythology of its achievements. But these images is not a myth, Franklin was a really great inventor to the world of important innovations such as Flash, swim fins, Catheter, harmonica and bifocals. Benjamin Franklin was therefore as much in common with Michelangelo, as he did with Thomas Jefferson and indeed he was in good company, if any.

But political theorist and philosopher, Franklin at the beginning of a great American experiment.He was able to imagine the concept of the new American nation.But his talent is not over on his ability to use his powerful mind to imagine the future so well he was also a talented Communicator, writer and educator so that he could use his eloquence and magnetic cards to promote the ideas of the American nation, both in the colonies, and internationally.

Benjamin Franklin was a citizen of the world when he was comfortable in the courtyards of France as it was in pubs Boston. it was so popular on both sides of the Atlantic, he served as the first Ambassador of America in France, and this is one of his greatest contribution to independence in a new country he could use his enormous popularity and its qualified powers of persuasion to get French side against the British colonies is a major contribution to the success of the revolution free American English and start an independent nation.

Franklin's writings have been treasured documents from the archives of this important moment in the history of America, but like his written works, his influence thinker, intelligent and international diplomat sets the standard for others to follow after him and really the America as a member of the international community of Nations.

READ MORE - Benjamin Franklin

Remember the Alamo

America remembers a lot of great battles, which constitute a turning point in the conflict, which helped shaped our history. We think about D in the second world war that turned the tide of victory for the allies despite terrible loss. But this is a unique battle that remembered with pride and patriotism, but also the battle that was lost, and almost everything on our side brutally killed. But this thing at the battle of the Alamo in 1863.

Battle of the Alamo than conventional battle in terms of two equally fit armies fighting back and forth to save the properties.He was, to put it bluntly, a courageous stand slaughter. But these few hundred Texans against thousands of Mexican soldiers continue to inspire us today because it was against impossible odds, but he was a stand that reflects American ethic never giving up or surrendering the principle of the protection.

Siege of the Alamo actually lasted for thirteen days. It started 23, 1863, and by March 6. It's hard to imagine today, with Mexico South reliable ally of the United States, but it was a battle to end that attempts to invade a country of Mexico to the United States is an act of war that.Brave men who oppose that armies have become American icon of bravery and American spirit and names in the list of those who perished in the Fort Davy Crocket included Jim Bowie, Commander Lieutenant Colonel William b. Travis. She was Travis that inspired his men against insurmountable difficulties and his courage is what we are celebrating, whenever we talk that's more famous cry that came out of this battle, "remember the Alamo." Travis Wrote in a letter, as it ignores the Mexico attackers on the eve of the final siege.

I am a besieged, 1000 or more Mexicans in Santa Ana. Maintain constant bombardment and cannonade within 24 hours and have not lost a man. Enemy demanded for discretion otherwise garrison, put to the sword, when Fort.I responded to the demand from the cannon, and our flag still waves proudly from the wall. I never surrender or retreat. I intend to keep as long as one can die and soldier who never forgets that his own honour & in his country.Victory or death.

It is this brave stand, which actually turned war against the occupying army for Americans.Indignation from the slaughter of these people were inspired by this famous mobilizes the cry that we even remember centuries later, when we hear the word "remember the Alamo" its position with regard to Cranston gave Sam Houston time to organize a much more powerful army, who went on to deliver stunning victory at Santa Ana, San Jacinto, which marked a turning point in Texas, who went on from there to win this war.

The spirit of Texas has never been the same even now Texas boasts as people special courage, daring and unique independence that sets them apart from the already fiercely independent us the spirit of the whole nation looks in this battle as an example of how a few good men helps to ensure victory, even if it was in the cost of their own lives; it really is a genuine spirit of patriotism.

READ MORE - Remember the Alamo